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Discord Ban-Appeal

Discord account username and ID: kriztoon

Why were you banned: Racist joke

Ban duration: Permanent

What were you doing last in the discord: The racist joke i was banned almost instantly

Any previous bans: No

Why do you think you should be pardoned early (please keep this factual . We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I was banned 7 months ago. and i believe i should be pardoned as i am genuinely sorry not because i was banned but to anyone i made feel uncomfortable or targeted due to the sickening joke i made in that one moment of stupidness, I have completely learned from what i did and hope to re-enter the community and make friends within.

Thank you for your time


Hi, I'll be responding to your appeal today.

Due to the amount of time you've already been banned and the genuine apology you've delivered, I have decided that I will be accepting your appeal. You will be unbanned, and you may rejoin the SWD discord. Please remember the reread the rules upon joining. 

DMU Moderator,


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