Minecraft username:chesesthepanini
why i was banned: speech adn harrasment
date end: 1st of march 2022
what i was last doing : i was on going to make something as asking the permision of wyldog
why i should be unbanned:
i under stand what i said was wrong but yet i was not trying to talk wigon i was just saying this meme (https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-should-kill-yourself-now)
i get what i said was wrong but yet i only had 1 warning at the time and i htough it was fine when there are no staff on lots of stuff is said i think a guy said the n word a couple times. i agree is hould have been banned but it has been a month now and i love dmu i under stand what i said was wrong to the cuber empire but i have apoligised(if you would like i can send some pictures of the discord convo i had with a cyber leader) and have said multiple times i was wrong so please find in your heat i promise not to to say that kinda stuff
p.s if bad emglish sorry (not first langaudge)
Please do not make anymore appeals. Your last one was denied, so please wait it out