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got bannd

why some player bannd me for not likeing him so he made up all the things to get me bannd even tho i did not


So I am going to Deny your Ban appeal.

You have Griefed, Spammed, Disrespecting, Xraying and Ban Evading, making this a Perm Ban

This makes the Game less enjoyable when stuff like this occurs.


You can re-appeal in 3 Months


(Quoted from your past appeal)


You’ve already been told why you were banned.

Staff don’t ban just from words, they need physical evidence. The fact that action was taken and you were banned shows valid proof of their claims. If you want to be unbanned please wait the stated amount of time and then appeal using this format (Click on message)
If you feel you were banned wrongly and have any sort of proof to argue against the ban, for example proof showing you were indeed not hacking, you may show it in the appeal but I doubt you can have the ban fully removed due to the quoted ‘Disrespect’, ‘Spamming’, and ‘Ban Evading’.


I’m not staff so don’t assume this is an official staff response, just me trying to help you.

(To staff, as this message was not following the format I made a quick assumption that the commenting on ban appeals rule would not apply here, just wanted to help this user.)

Good luck! - XPalidocious

After looking at your previous appeal, I have no choice but to deny this one. You may reappeal in 3 months.


Joe (DMU Admin)

This thread has been locked.