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[BAN APPEAL] Martyseamusmcfly

Minecraft username: Martyseamusmcfly

Why you were banned: Ban evasion

Ban duration: Permanent

What were you doing last on the server: I was making a animal and crop farm in my TARDIS along with re-creating my bee farm.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I think I should be pardoned early because i was only helping my friend mine to have an easier start off to DMU unlike mine I had to start everything off from scratch and I was not doing anything to disturb or annoy anyone.

He was interested in the server so I set MC java up for him to play and asked me to help him get started so I mined a bit for him in Infdev and got him some diamonds and gold, iron etc I also showed him around a bit and to see some player structures and some of the warps people make, It was also on his account not an ALT or anything, to be honest it was only like 10 minutes mining not that bad.

 Also a player threatened me called Fett_s to give him netherite and diamonds on my main account or he will tell an admin I am on helping my friend on the server.


An other time on 1.12.2 DMU beta a player was banning people with TARDIS command blocks Joe unbanned us but he claims he took the ban counts away but he did not.

hello there

Looking at this appeal I am gonna deny it.

as looking at the evidence it is ban evading as you were on the server on another account.

you may repeal in a month 

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