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Ban Appeal


Reason for ban: Griefing

Ban length: Permanent 

Last thing I did on the server was minorly grief the cyber empire city.

I agree that griefing is a completely bannable offence and should be taken seriously. At the time, it was my first time on the server (recommended by a friend) and I hadn't read the rules properly. I had no reason of playing it regularly, so I may have got a bit carried away. This was a few months ago, and I only want back on to play with a friend again. I now realise these actions were completely irresponsible and I'd like to be unbanned so I can play with others on the server regularly. I can confirm I will follow DMU rules and if I commit any minor offence, I accept the ban and will move on. Please allow me to play, as a second, much better, impression. Thanks.

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