Discord username and ID: kriztoon
Why were you banned: 'racism' I said "whats long and black, the line at kfc
Ban duration: Possibly permanent
What were you doing last in the server: I wrote a disclaimer saying 'This was not meant in a racist or offensive way if it does offend you apologies it is a joke'
Any previous bans: no
Why do you think you should be pardoned early (please keep this factual. We understand that you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I dont want to be pardoned early I just wish for it not to be permanent I understand what I've done and said and I dont want to be let off I just would like to come back at some point rather than be banned permanently for a stupid comment
Hi there, you're going to remain banned for the foreseeable future, as we do not tolerate racism. Does not matter if you put a 'disclaimer', it was racist and you agree to the server rules every time you use the Discord.
Joe (DMU Head Admin & Site Moderator