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Ban Appeal


Reason for ban: Nuisance
Ban length: Permanent 


Hi there,
It's been a while since I played on the server since I was banned again. My first ban I clearly recall I was immature, stupid, and griefed some base. The second time, and this current one, I have no clue. I got banned for being a "nuisance," I believe it was possibly because I was banned previously and I was judged due to that, however I have no way to prove that on anything other then baseless accusations. I do recall rummaging through chests, some from my friend, Miggles, and some nearby. I don't recall taking anything. I'd like to be able to get unbanned and play again, since I haven't in a while. I believe this all took place around a year ago now, so I apologise if I don't recall anything. If I did do anything ban worthy I will accept that fully and I would like that to be pointed out to me and sorted out with a moderator since this was so long ago. :) 


Hello Alfredo,


I have read your appeal, and compared it against our evidence log. Your previous behaviour has included multiple counts of stealing and griefing, as well as spamming chat, whilst showing little to no remorse for your actions. 


Regrettably, due to these actions, your appeal has been denied.

You can re-appeal on Wednesday 31st August 2033.


- [Helper] VS_TheVale

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