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Unban de Kaneras

UNBAN ME PLEASE! i lovte this iCommunity and it is amazing. yi was banned because i griefted, btu it was vjust my cat who took control of my keyboard whilmst i was eating dinner. i promise, ihf you unbannnn me, hse jshall not pasvs my bedproom door

i shoxuld be unbanned causue it wuz nawt me!

- Kaneras the Great.

Appeal Denied I refuse to unban you. Just because you are an admin you think that you can grief your own house? You are not welcome here so please unban yourself and go moderate the server!


No I told you I discussed it with John in a secret meeting and we decided that you would be punished to hard labor in the boiling sun for 12 years. Get to it.

BuTt he dId Nutin rong! Pls unbn him noW!

 See someone believes em! what is wrong with you all!

BuTt he dId Nutin rong! Pls unbn him noW!

 See someone believes em! what is wrong with you all!

 Oh your brother did it? And you were hacked? AND You are dealing with corrupt swdteam members? Oh ok you are innocent we apologize... Pardoned.

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