[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username:DM2_UK
Why you were banned:"Griefing Spawn"
Ban duration: 7 days
What were you doing last on the server: at the nether side of the spawn portal
Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I went through the portal and broke a block on the nether side and placed it back realising i could get banned for grief. I then relit the portal and realised that the only log the staff could see was mine. I realise it may look like I griefed spawn but I was told touching the portal at the nether side could get me banned after I had already done it. If you check the surrounding area you will realise this was not me. I understand that iit may look like me and why staff thought I was griefing spawn