Minecraft username: Fridgey
Why you were banned: Mass Tardis Hopping + Griefing + Stealing
Ban duration: 19 Years
What were you doing last on the server: Before I did TARDIS hopping I was getting the resources for a TARDIS Flight Panel and made it
Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I miss playing on the server and grinding to become better. My ban was originally until the 30th of March which I was originally going to wait for until my ban got increased to 19 years and after a 2 weeks worth of thinking I know realize that griefing and stealing ruins other peoples experiences and progress and ruins the fun for not just the people who I affected but myself as well and I know now that what I was doing was wrong and I would really appreciate a reduction of my ban so I can return to playing on the server again and not make the same mistakes as I did last time.
Unfortunately, after our full consideration, your appeal has been denied. We are not convinced that you have learnt enough from your mistakes.
However, thank you for trying. Have a good day.
- Glacier, DMU helper