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lost Tardis


my tardis was at my home in the last month and i was in a break like a month and today my tardis not teleporting to me with the Tardis key. pls help


Was it before the tardis reset in July? If that's the case, your interior is gone. Go to /warp losttardis for instructions on what to do.

i didnt know that was a reset tnx for telling me i will go to this warp tnx for the help.

The tardis dimension reset was in 14th of July, did your break start before or after that?

The warp is for people who lost their tardis AFTER the reset

i lost my tardis after the reset because at june i think, my tardis was at my home

The reset was in mid-July, if you left your tardis after that, and you haven't entered anyone else's tardis, buy a wall display and place it. It should tell you where your tardis is. As for the tardis key thing, it happens sometimes. Get a new one(Assuming that you find your tardis)

i left my tardis like in the 3th in july i think its mean my tardis is in the server? and if not what to do?

No, your tardis is deleted now. If there is an exterior left, it's glitched out. Destroy it and get a new tardis.

...Get a tardis at /warp shop with 400 credits? Or craft one if the tardis you want is craftable

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