Username: EndlessTimelord
Name of Block/item/ore: Statue/Model Block
Description: When you place it down it is just a black block but if you right click it comes up with a GUI that has all mobs/models/items in the mod. If you click on a Dalek for example it will just be a stand still model but you can pose it too.
Lore/Brief Background (Or "As seen in" if not from Doctor Who canon): Not seen at all.
How do you suggest we implement it: (Still don't know how to explain this)
How does the player obtain it: Via Creative
Why should this be implemented: Well personally I'm designing a Dalek Mod museum thing in single player (inspiration from the SWD Experience) and it'd be nice to have a nice easy way to display mobs and models quickly.
Image(rough sketch/draft acceptable): Will do some soon
Any other information: The posing thing should be by clicking on a moveable part then a GUI comes up and you can rotate etc like the TCN GUI, and you can spin the model round and make it smaller and bigger.
I support this.
Yet it'll make the ':1' option on holograms rather pointless, won't it?
I support this.
Yet it'll make the ':1' option on holograms rather pointless, won't it?
Not really as that's mainly for players.
This sounds great. Being able to have Autons and Daleks on display thru this system would be amazing.
Username: EndlessTimelord
it will just be a stand still model but you can pose it too.
so essentially it is the TCN model loader but with an ArmorStand-like function (with posing the different body parts)? if so, I support this
Username: EndlessTimelord
it will just be a stand still model but you can pose it too.
so essentially it is the TCN model loader but with an ArmorStand-like function (with posing the different body parts)? if so, I support this
Yeah! But it loads all models and mobsfrom the mod.
Thanks all for supporting so far!
If you want mob statues right now, you can use the summon command: /summon <mobname> x y z {NoAI:1}. You can also pose them in the command.
If you want mob statues right now, you can use the summon command: /summon <mobname> x y z {NoAI:1}. You can also pose them in the command.
Do this on DMU. You can't.
Even if you could, lag clear would take it away tbh