Sooooo, i'm new to the forums but thought I should show my Tardises.
I only have one documented so far.
Please leave feedback
I know I am terrible at building
EDIT: I have a video of the building of the console in three parts:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Can you put the pictures in the spoiler thing so it doesnt use so much space on 1 page?
You're too hard on yourself I'd say.
You have a good taste in color scheme, which is more than can be said about some builders.
The blocks you picked work really well together in this Tardis.
You're too hard on yourself I'd say.
You have a good taste in color scheme, which is more than can be said about some builders.
The blocks you picked work really well together in this Tardis.
Can you put the pictures in the spoiler thing so it doesnt use so much space on 1 page?
Sorry I don't know how to do that, like I said I'm new to the forums
Sorry I don't know how to do that, like I said I'm new to the forums
In your thread tools (the bar over your text area), there will be a circle with a question mark. Click on that, and anything placed between the ["spoiler"] and the ["/spoiler"] will be placed in a spoiler. The spoiler "wrappers" - for lack of a better term at the moment - can also be typed as an alternative
In your thread tools (the bar over your text area), there will be a circle with a question mark. Click on that, and anything placed between the ["spoiler"] and the ["/spoiler"] will be placed in a spoiler. The spoiler "wrappers" can also be typed as an alternative
Ok, thank you very much :)
Ok, so I've made a new Tardis and I've tried to make it Industrial themed.
Please leave feedback
the walls are a bit bland, maybe give some more detail or something to them? maybe make like wires or steel beams holding up the ceiling? that's industrial right?
the walls are a bit bland, maybe give some more detail or something to them? maybe make like wires or steel beams holding up the ceiling? that's industrial right?
thanks, I'll look into it
I'm back with a Tardis built around the idea that the Tardis isn't bigger on the inside.
Ok, that's all I have for now, leave feedback and suggestions if you want.
I have edited my industrial Tardis due to Ghostbuster3210's comment
I have added pillars and decreased the number of vents.
New Tardis, this one is based off my basement where I have put a bunch of random stuff on a table and called it a console.
No screenshots because I really didn't feel like it, instead I have a video.
a good strategy is to wait till alot of people are online, if you upload stuff when not many people are online, the thread will get pushed down before the majority of people see it