Hello it's Bond again and I was requesting if [VIP+] can have /entitydata because I used to use this all the time on the server before it was removed even to SWDBaes I used to use it for art etc
no clue what /entity data is but you just got shot down!
What's that? Giving people who pay $7 one of the most powerful commands in the game? I don't see how that could be a problem at all....
yeah.. we should totally give them the /ban and /kick commands while we're at it
nah. Lets give them Mojang rank. the mos op rank everhhh
Giving VIP+ entitydata would violate the EULA since it can be used to say, change a diamond into 64 diamonds etc.
All the commands VIP+ has are all they will ever have. Deal with the fact that you lost your rank and adjust to the new life.
Giving VIP+ entitydata would violate the EULA since it can be used to say, change a diamond into 64 diamonds etc.
All the commands VIP+ has are all they will ever have. Deal with the fact that you lost your rank and adjust to the new life.
ok but SWDBae doesnt even has /entitydata
Giving VIP+ entitydata would violate the EULA since it can be used to say, change a diamond into 64 diamonds etc.
All the commands VIP+ has are all they will ever have. Deal with the fact that you lost your rank and adjust to the new life.
ok but SWDBae doesnt even has /entitydata
This is irrelevant to the original argument.
I'm just saying
Well whilst we're at it giving commands why not give EVERY PLAYER full perms including staff perms.
Why don't we just let people do whatever they want on the server
Right. Listen up kiddo.
This. Is. Not. Happening.
End of discussion.