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[Greifing Report] [Resolved]

Minecraft Username: [Not sure, check blocklog]

Coordinates, Which Server: Public, See photos for cords

When it happened: Probably 1-2 days before

What was griefed: a chest, a tree farm, a wheat farm and a potato farm

Witnesses (if any): I'm not sure, not around

Screenshot before and after griefing: 

Only have pictures of the state after griefing, I've fixed a few things

From what I'm detecting: Griefed crops and saplings, correct?

I didn't get get anything when checking the ceiling.

Ok, the user responsible is Gargamel 58. Said user has been banned for 24 hours. Just to be sure I'm not misunderstanding, said user is not a friend who's been staying with you on the server, correct?

Not a friend, just met him. If he needed the crops and trees he could have just asked…


But that place is just going to be a public farm anyway, so I'll just give him a warning when he enters the server

What a misunderstanding jh1226! You invited me into your village so I could stay there and build my house and our village together, correct?  
I was only using some of our common ressources (in the "town hall") to better my game! I'm sorry if you thought someone was griefing...
I wish for you to clear this up so I can be unbanned... I'll add that this isn't the first time I've been banned for doing something completely innocent, and I'm really getting sick of it. 

What a misunderstanding jh1226! You invited me into your village so I could stay there and build my house and our village together, correct?  
I was only using some of our common ressources (in the "town hall") to better my game! I'm sorry if you thought someone was griefing...
I wish for you to clear this up so I can be unbanned... I'll add that this isn't the first time I've been banned for doing something completely innocent, and I'm really getting sick of it. 

But that place is just going to be a public farm anyway, so I'll just give him a warning when he enters the server" <--I said that earlier

Next time, just replant the crops, sometimes it causes a misunderstanding

This thread has been locked.