Original Thread Title: My TARDIS won't materialize to me...
Hello Everyone! Sorry, my TARDIS doesn't want to materialize when I use my key. I did in fact craft this key and TARDIS the day the Update 46 came out officially, so I don't know if being gone from the server awhile has something to do with it, but please help! Thanks!
Maybe use the default font without the bold? I'd love to help in any way I can with whatever issue you're having, but the text is a bit painful to look at.
Maybe use the default font without the bold? I'd love to help in any way I can with whatever issue you're having, but the text is a bit painful to look at.
Sorry, I was just trying somewhat of a different font style to see what I like...i dont like it...is how it is now better?
Sorry, I was just trying somewhat of a different font style to see what I like...i dont like it...is how it is now better?
Much better
If you fill out the rest of this information, it'll be easier to help you.
Minecraft Username: TheRicketyDoctor Interior coordinates: Did you Sync your Tardis Key?: Yes or No Tardis Key ID (E.g. Tardis Key ID: (127)): Witnesses (if any): Image(screenshot) of Tardis before disappearance:
You can lock this Forum now.....i just crafted a new and better one