Hello :D Mew here with another thread, this one is gonna be about the Nintendo Switch, where you can talk about games you have, or games you're excited for! Or you could give your SWD Friends you friend code :D. Basically this thread is to talk about Nintendo Switch stuff to sum it all up :P
Games I have:
Friend Code:
Username: Mew
Friend Code: SW-6084-3209-3617
i have mario kart 8 deluxe and breath of the wild. i'm excited for mario odessy because the first mario game of every nintendo platform is usually pretty good
i have mario kart 8 deluxe and breath of the wild. i'm excited for mario odessy because the first mario game of every nintendo platform is usually pretty good
I need to say New super mario bros U was quite bad but most of them are very good
I've had a switch for a couple months, At first I only had Sonic mania. Now I have a load of games for it (7 to be exact)
I want a switch. also i almost got one to but raesons :(
Games I own:
Friend code: SW-1908-3546-1398