80's Cyberman:
Death/Hurt Sounds
Why this video/how I came up with the idea (skip if you just want the suggestion itself):
One day, I was watching playing the Dalek Mod and thoughts on how most non-Cybus/Lumic Cybermen are mute passed over my head.
Then I remembered this video I saw of the troops getting completely anihilated by the Raston Warrior Robot (who I really hope doesn't get added in because of how darn overpowered he is) and thought to myself on how this short 1 minute and 19 second video could improve the "Mute Cybermen".
So, here it is.
Mob Being improved/Changed: 80's Cybermen
Improvement/Change: Death and Hurt Cries for the 80s Cybermen based on the sounds from the video above.
Why should this be implemented: Anything that can add to the experience and make the non Lumic/Cybus Cybermen less mute (while still fitting) is great IMO
How do you suggest we implement this: Well, idk if the team uses voice actors or recordings from the show, but whichever, I suggest adding the sounds in as noises made when Cybermen are killed or hurt.
Any other Information: As implied by the title, I'll add more over time. If you have any feedback, suggestions, critique, feedback, and whatnot, feel free to comment below