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[admin abuse caused by thatcreeper] Ban from servers no reason warning

the reason why the uno reverse card can deflect any attacc is because if you reverse the syllables of uno you get no u


Haha good one.

im not doing anything wrong by the way.

just doing my job. You griefed on both servers.

So its your fault.


Hello Lachlan,

Im sorry to hear that you think creeper is abusing his rank but he simply isnt. he is only doing his job, you were banned from griefing a town whilst coder was banned for fly hacking/hacking. You added a "door" into a house by breaking glass, because you could simply "not find the way to get in" which is not a valid excuse to break homes who players have built and worked hard for, not only this but you greifed on the beta server as well. Here is the evidence/proof:




the only reason why your ban is so long is because another admin banned you before hand for placing in a town without permission/ town grief. there is also more evidence but i'm incredibly lazy.

As for coder he was found fly hacking in the tardis dimension which not only is classified as tardis bridging but well its fly hacking! i can understand why it may not be tardis bridging as he most likely wanted to see cool tardises but hacking is a perm ban and if i saw coder i would have done the same. here once again is the relevant evidence:


as he was flying he was on at the time and creeper could have talked to him but hacking still is a perm ban hence why he obtained one.


Creeper is not abusing admin as you state he is simply doing his job. If you are going to report another staff member for admin abuse in the future, get more evidence because it seems you simply are just made you got temp banned. You will be unbanned when the time runs out short and simple.

Ill see you online when that occurs.



That is not an excuse to get unbanned. Once again, you will wait till the time is up.

That isnt an excuse either lachlan, your ban was yesterday and is 120 hours long so you will have to wait 4 days. You were the one who decided to do these things we do not ban people to make there lives hard, it is to simply protect other players and punish bad players.

I dont know, but i will ask for you to stop commenting on this appeal or reporting or whatever you refer it to as. It has obviously been denied and will be locked when dutch gets on.

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