Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Isn't it that thing where that guy ends up in the hospital... with um... Hugh Laurie... no? ok.
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Is that the one where the guy in the black suit takes the ring to the fires of mount doom and tells master cheif that he's his step brother? Wait no sorry, that's yugioh.
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Never heard about that. ._.
is doctor who a new expansion of guess who? if so, I would much enjoy guessing who is a doctor ^v^
That's those 60's movies starring Peter Cushing, right?
That's those 60's movies starring Peter Cushing, right?
Nah that is Dr. Who.
Seen the show don't watch it as it is literal shite I hear it was good at some point but I tried to watch it and all I saw was bad cgi plots written by toddlers and the level of continuity from an episode of arthur
I'd watch it but the episodes are too long
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Never heard about that. ._.
Heard about what?
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Is that that movie with David Tennant and Daniel Radcliff?
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Is that that movie with David Tennant and Daniel Radcliff?
I think your talking about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Doctor Who is that thing with a little kid and a scientist with a time travelling car isn't it?
Have anyone heard about Doctor Who?
Is that that movie with David Tennant and Daniel Radcliff?
I think your talking about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Doctor Who is that thing with a little kid and a scientist with a time travelling car isn't it?
Yeah, that's the one