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[ACCEPTED] ShadowPeter03 Reason for ban : greifing [ Banned Until Appeal]

Minecraft username: ShadowPeter03

Why you were banned: Greifing

Ban duration: Banned Until Appeal

What were you doing last on the server: Running around

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):


It is true i was not a very nice person on the server started out however i believe that over the 3 years i have been banned i have changed, My Reasoning for wanting to Dispute this ban is that during the time of my many bans i believed that war_major was very un-neutral towards me and commonly disliked me , an admin whom seemed to treat me harsher than the other users which led to a lot of irrational discissons i made to spite him such as using tardis co-ordinates to get into a restricted area. 
To put it simply i wish to pardoned of my ignorance as i believe i have grown up from the days of my internet troll phase


In Addition i still believe that the offense that resulted in my final ban was somewhat of an mis-understanding , i had griefed an public build believing that because there was no world edit restrictions stopping me from digging tunnels through it that it was a public area , i only realised it was not a wilderness area later at which point i placed down signs appolgising if i had griefed and i believe that many past behaviours led to that very instance not being fairly reviewed.


Ultimately i believe that enough time has passed that i have matured enough to be given a second chance.

And just as an final note i appolgise to the admins such as Dutch_Bear whom i was toxic towards due to frustrations of many previous appeals being denied, not as an attempt to get unbanned but an formal appolgy for acting no better than i was back in those days.




Hey shadowpeter, sorry it took so long to reply. 

You've been banned for quite a while, and the reasons for your ban are too small to keep you banned. WarMajor has been long gone for a while. He felt the same about me. I'll unban you from the server.

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