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I cant join the server?

Hey Guys

I have an big  problem:

I destroyed my Tardis  accidentally im SWDBae i took a  dalek mod Tardis  C from my creative inventory and walk into then i was kicked from the server. I tryed to rejoin but i cant anymore if i try arrive this Message:


pls help me i wanna play again on the Server


Bismark (Bismark_MC)

Welp from what i know that kick message means you went off the edge of Minecraft :O so your tardis must have spawned in a weird way and i really don't know how to fix it sorry.


I maybe know a solucion but i need a help From a SWDBae or admin:

when i try to join i am 1 sek online then i get kicked. so the SwdBae or admin must spamm the comman: /tp Bismark_MC (playername)

Then im not more in a illegal postion.

So who wanna help me?


I'll have to delete your player data so it resets your position. Not sure why you got that though. The Tardis Dimension will not exceed the limit.

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