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SWD bugle- development on wotw update 2.0!

War of the worlds mod 2.0 is coming!

get the oil


Ah the 50s, such great things as the twilight zone, my grandfather and national debt after one of the largest wars in history, a time of industry, innovation and that time a giant radioactive lizard creature destroyed a load of Japan. Should also mention the fact aliens invaded and killed a load of people, did it in the 80s too, naughty tax aliens.


Yes WOTW mod the second wave! Taking inspiration and creative license from the 50s wotw film and the 80s show! Now I don't know much about either except there is a lot of 'murica and aliens who started a massive take over for more taxes. Then they did something in the 80s idk  put aside an hour or two and ask deadparrot I think he has a degree in that shows lore. He has also been going through it and taking screen shots for the mod as reference and boy oh boy do the new models look good: 


As you can see these new aliens look shiny, I specifically like the butter one but the one that looks like a robot daddy long legs is cool. Now if you don't know what happens in the movie butter fly aliens zoom around with big shields and pew pew pow pow the oil off the American military then die because they didn't get vaccinated.  They were modernised so they could withstand a nuclear bomb! So be excepting these flying martians to be strong, I'm gonna need a bigger boat- and flee the country on it. 

The daddy long legs are from the 80s and I sure hope they can dance. They look like the scalpers adult brother who kabooms you after you beat up his little bro. I believe they can fly but again I haven't seen the show and only swd knows how it will translate into the mod, either way be paper's because these people aren't from mars or 50s mars or even 80s mars but the planet of tax and tax evasion, more Tax. And this new planet seems to have a resource all of its own: 



Yes, now all the cool kids will be wearing something that looks more golden than Smaug's stomach. This new mor-tax metal may be even more powerful then Martin armour and looks like your trying to hard to flex. So now with more machines, more death and more bling than ever before WOTW mod 2.0 is coming. It also seems some of the older factions are becoming more active on the server so excitement seems to be brewing.  

Watch out Martains there are now aliens in town and earth is about to go be torn apart...


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