I can't join the discord
The reason why, Dan, is because discord bans the users IP so even if you make an alt it won't work. Nice try with the site alt.
It keeps sending me to an Untitled Group. Please help. I have done everything.
Fabfalcon what is your minecraft username?
Fabfalcon what is your minecraft username?
1. Please don't necropost.
2. Don't post random junk on random threads.
3. Did you make a forum account just to do this? You have one post and it's this one.
I can't join the server! I need help to use the discord server again!
I can't join the server! I need help to use the discord server again!
You are banned from the Discord group for being an annoyance. If you need something from a staff member just PM them on their profile or ingame.
Jdjg I can help you. Your solution is very simple. The reason you are unable to join the discord server is because you were IPbanned from it.
Just saying, could you guys please not kick or ban me from the discord for inactivity, Mum and Dad have currently banned me from using discord until I get up to date with my school work and I want to stay in the discord.
Just saying, could you guys please not kick or ban me from the discord for inactivity, Mum and Dad have currently banned me from using discord until I get up to date with my school work and I want to stay in the discord.
We only kick or ban if they are causing issues.
We no longer use Skype.
Click here to get an invite to the Discord.
i can't join the Skype on, if its working i think i have to be added manually