Dont post on other posts that are old and rather keep to your own appeal. Incase your appeal hasnt been replied to in a while, reply on it to make it fresh, instead of making March posts fresh again.
(not to be taken as offensive.)
Hello! I was actually banned from the discord server for getting banned on DMU A while back, i was wondering if i could be unbanned from the discord server since i'm unbanned from the DMU Minecraft server. And can i please get a link to the discord server. Tysm!
Hello! I was actually banned from the discord server for getting banned on DMU A while back, i was wondering if i could be unbanned from the discord server since i'm unbanned from the DMU Minecraft server. And can i please get a link to the discord server. Tysm!
I’d recommend making a ban appeal as the staff will need more information before considering unbanning you.
make sure to follow the format and if you want a pro tip: be honest and whatever you do don’t blame it on your brother or someone else using your account as that’s still your responsibility.
good luck!