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8th doctor's TARDIS sounds

In Doctor Who nearly all TARDISes uses same takeoff/landing sound created in 60's by BBC Radiophonic Workshop. But, in 1996 TV Movie, there are different and modified sounds for TARDIS (and A LOT cooler), but these are missing in Dalek Mod. Here is list of what should be added:


1. Exterior Takeoff/Landing sound (made by me, you can hear it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAmC3BpAIi4) Sorry it's on Discord, i didn't found way to upload audio:

Takeoff - https://discord.com/channels/217396856550981633/223033559726686208/888465626702680074


Landing - https://discord.com/channels/217396856550981633/223033559726686208/888468718059929731


2. Interior Takeoff/Landing sound:

Takeoff - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYTRxrqkzeU&list=PLMVt47tftO7ARq8dzQtt_d7I2XrL7Z8jm


Landing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dtJWf84oBQ&list=PLMVt47tftO7ARq8dzQtt_d7I2XrL7Z8jm&index=2


3. Time Rotor sound:



I know, that i suggested various sound ideas. I suggested them, because the 'atmosphere' of playing Dalek Mod as Doctor Who themed mod, is missing. The 1.16 Update is very close to release, and it's coming with brand new and 'fresh' additions, so why not add some more sounds? Also, i know that suggestions like that are disagreeded, because everything must not be 100% Doctor Who accurate. These sounds are not just for this TARDIS, but also for others (custom people one).

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