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Thread Title [DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: Fox_black Reason for ban grief and killing pets [2021/12/08]

Minecraft username: Fox_Black


Why You're Banned: Weighing and Killing Pets


Duration of ban: 12/21/08


What were you last doing on the server: I was on my Tardis


Why do you think you should be forgiven sooner: I want to go back, I spent a lot of time without playing, Dalek Mod is my favorite mod and I really want to get back to playing, please don't want to wait another two months to play

Hello, I will be taking your appeal today.

Reading your appeal, you don't come across as sorry for your actions that you took while on the server so with this in mind, I shall be denying this appeal.

You may re-appeal in a months time.



This thread has been locked.