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DMU BAN APEAL: JSP_11_47 Reason for ban: stealing, ban duration 30/11/2021 13:56 PST

Minecraft username: JSP_11_47

Why you were banned: Stealing 

Ban duration: 30/11/2021 13:56 PST

What were you doing last on the server: giving the items I took to the staff and shown them where it was taken.

Why you think you should be pardoned early: 

I was in full compliance, I never argued with them I knew what I did was wrong so I did the right thing and returned all the blocks and items I stole (mainly servers and 2 zeiton blocks) everything that was taken was returned. 


I respect that I was banned but I admit I was wrong


I am not hoping for my ban to be removed I only hope it is shortened because it will still give me time to tell my self not to take items from others.


I apologise for my actions and I hope to hear from you.

Hello. I'll be taking your appeal today.

I can see you are sorry for stealing, but that begs the question of why you did it in the first place. You may have been compliant, but you still broke the server rules, I'm not going to be accepting this appeal, nor shortening the length as this gives you "time to tell myself not to take items from others".


Have a good day,

Joe (DMU Admin)

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