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[Discord Ban Appeal] Nagetto#4237


Reason: Being inconsiderate and not thinking about people’s feelings.


Duration: permanent


no previous bans


why I think I should be pardoned: 




Can I get unbanned from the swd discord server. I was being inconsiderate and asking question I shouldnt’ve been asking. I may have come across as a ‘bigot’ but that was not my intention. I have thought a lot about this and I intend not to hurt other people’s feeling and not to attack their beliefs. Thank you.








Hello there, sorry no-one has checked your appeal. Your actions at the time caused quite a disturbance, and hurt a few users and their beliefs. However, I can see you're sorry and am willing to unban you. Any other comments of the kind that originally got you banned, will be met with similar actions.


Welcome back

Joe (DMU Admin)








This thread has been locked.