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[Discord Ban appeal] fell / ID: fell#3914 Reason for ban: I don't know.



Thread content

Discord account username and ID: fell#3914

Why you were banned: I cannot remember as it was over a year ago

Ban duration: Permanent 

What were you doing last in the discord: I don't remember since it was a year ago.

Any previous bans: Not in the discord

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I do not remember why I was banned in the discord, whatever it was I would like to apologise for my actions as I was quite immature back then. I hope that I can be unbanned and given a fresh start like on the Dalek Mod Server. - Yours Sincerely,



will be accepting this, you will be put on warning 3 tho


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