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(DMU Server Appeal) XCrossGaming407: Griefing

Minecraft username: XCrossGaming407

Why you were banned: Griefing

Ban duration: 14/4/2022 (Basically 4 months) 

What were you doing last on the server: Making a room under ground to grow my tardis

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): Firstly, I don't know what I grieved (If that's the right grammar) so if you can tell me that would make me under stand, Secondly, I am fairly new and everyone seemed friendly and was helping me get my Tardis plant and thirdly I'm new and being banned for 4 mouth just for griefing as a new player is a bit long for what I think. I have only played on the sever for around one day long and hope you can lower the ban. also can you tell me what I griefed. Thanks


Kind Regards XCross


Hello. You had griefed a player's TARDIS, and stole the controls to it. Bans are up to the discretion of the staff member who catches them, so that is why it was 3 months, and I support this ban length. Your appeal is denied, but you may reappeal in 2 months.


Joe (DMU Admin)

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