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[DMU Ban appeal] Oldman6610: Anti-AFK [7 days]

 Minecraft username: Oldman6610

Reason: Anti-Afk

Ban duration: [7 days]

I was cutting down trees and then I had to leave for a couple minutes  and at that time I was not aware Anti-Afk was against the rules.


Why I think I should be pardoned early: I did not mean any ill-intentions and was not aware that it was against the rules and I just want to get back to my daily rule-Abiding actions on the server and I have learned my lesson and will not do this again.

Best wishes, 



Hello. Many people are trying to play on the server currently, so using an anti-afk kick cheat isn't very cool. As your ban is only 7 days, it will remain.


Joe (DMU Admin)

This thread has been locked.