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[DMU Ban appeal] Neoxidon: Major griefing

Minecraft username: Neoxidon

Why you were banned: Major griefing

Ban duration: Forever

What were you doing last on the server: Helping my friend get a TARDIS

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I let my younger brother on my pc forgot to leave the server and close minecraft so my brother started playing on the server didn't read the rules so he thought he can steal after i came back i saw him with diamond stuff asked where he got that he showed me where he stole it so i left a sign saying that i'll explain everything and that im going to try to pay it back. I'm really sorry and i'll make sure not to let that happen again.

Hello. Your account is your responsibility, so I will not be unbanning you. You may reappeal in 2 months.


Joe (DMU Admin)

This thread has been locked.