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[Discord Ban appeal] Shy_MonkeTM#9168: I don't know

Discord account username and id: My username was Sphered or SpheredCazual ID: Shy_MonkeTM#9168


Why i was banned: i dont know why i was banned seemingly for no reason tho


Ban duration: no idea its been a month now


What was i doing last in the disc: WYLD gave me a pretty bad riddle and banned me after

Previous Bans: nope


Why i think i should be pardonded early 


Well i think i should be bc there was seemingly no reason to ban me and i would really want to know how long the ban is i dont care if i get unbanned but if you did it would be nice thanks -SpheredCazual

Hi, you were spam pinging discord staff in other servers, which led you to be banned from those, then did it in the SWD discord.. This led to you then spamming their PMs, and that is why you were banned. I won't be unbanning you, sorry.


Joe (DMU Admin)

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