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[Allowed mods]

Hello i would know which of these mods are allowed

Chat-Bubbles-Mod-1.8.litemod expands chat and stuff like that

CodeChickenCore- allows for NEI and other stuff like that to work

Dalek Mod - Update 42.2 you know what this does!

Linkinfo-mc1. Lets links. Be links!

liteloader-installer-1.8.0-00-SNAPSHOT makes .litemods work

LunatriusCore-1.8- makes schematica work (i dont use printer mode)

MnM-Utils-mc1.8-1.0.litemod allows tabby chat to work

mod_Omniscience_1.1.0_mc1.8.litemod user of mod can see /v and gm 3 players (sub said this is iliegle i will remove)

mod_voxelMap_1.5.20_for_1.8.litemod Generates waypoints

NotEnoughItems-1.8- AKA NEI ... umm google it...

OptiFine_1.8.0_HD_U_H5 Connects glass textures and other stuff. also works as shaders mod

Schematica-1.8- allows for the player to make schematics. (i dont use printer mode)

TabbyChat-mc1.8-2.0.1.litemod allows you to expand chat and other stuff

They sound fine, except for TabbyChat. What does it do, as in"expanding chat" 

They sound fine, except for TabbyChat. What does it do, as in"expanding chat" 

 It can help u talk to other ppl from other servers too i think

It's pretty much just any mods that allow you to bypass normal server restrictions are not allowed, most other things are fine :D

 All of these are allowed as none of them alter your permissions on the server with the exception of
mod_Omniscience_1.1.0_mc1.8.litemod user of mod can see /v and gm 3 players (sub said this is iliegle i will remove)

Mods that would allow you to do anything that you shouldn't be able to do with your rank is not allowed. These include but are not limited to...
> Teleporting
> Flying
> Bypassing Swear futer
> Gaining creative access (With out Swdbae+)
> Seeing Spectators
> Seeing /v with out perms
> Setting ranks.
> Etc.

hold on then is Voxel map allowed? i can click on a way point to send me there. i am SWDBae which has perms to /tp

You can enter the server with these mods, but not all of them are allowed. NEI allows you to get free items, i think, also that "... umm google it..." that you said doesn't quite convince me on how legit it is...The others are fine and that one that allows you to click links sound really handy!

I use NEI as well though I am under the impression that NEI only functions as a second inventory if you are on gm1 . Otherwise it won't give you the items i believe... (Someone should check this though...)

As for the map. As long as you have perms to tp already I don't think its an issue... though I would like a second opinion on the matter if possible by a higher up (John, red, etc)

hold on a sec 50ap5ud i found the forum thingy. this is what is says:


  • Enhanced chat box
    • Movable
    • Resizable


  • Separate incoming chat into tabs
  • Timestamped chat
  • Chat logging
  • Advanced chat visibility (Always shown, normal, and never shown)
  • Filters
  • Spellchecking
  • Anti spam
  • Seamless multi-messages (up to 300 chars)
  • Installation

    1. Install LiteLoader.
    2. Put MnmUtils litemod in mods folder.
    3. Put TabbyChat-2 litemod in mods folder.
    4. Run Minecraft.
    5. If LiteLoader complains about dependencies, put TabbyChat in mods/1.8

    Quick Start

    Press T to open chat. To move, the chat around, click and drag the tray at the top. To resize it, drag the anchor in the top right corner. Click on a tab to switch to it. Shift click to remove it.

    To access settings for a specific channel, right click on its tab. Right clicking on the default tab will open the general settings. You can configure your channel and PM settings in the Server section. Ignored channels can also be set in this section.

    If chat logging is enabled, logged chat will be saved in .minecraft/logs/chat/${server}. The latest is stored as plain text. Anything earlier are gzip compressed.

    Anti spam will keep track of the last message received. If the next one matches it, it appends [xN] to the previous message where N is the number of times the message was received.

You can enter the server with these mods, but not all of them are allowed. NEI allows you to get free items, i think, also that "... umm google it..." that you said doesn't quite convince me on how legit it is...The others are fine and that one that allows you to click links sound really handy!

 it uses the /give command to grab stuff from the NEI inventory but when i try to use it it says "You dont have permission to use this command" 

i think this thread should be locked/deleted now i like my posts not locked so that means deleted!


If it were deleted, other people could not read the information if they have this question too ._.

Thanks for the explanation of Tabbychat, Emo. I like the idea of the linkinfo mod, it sounds handy. I think it's better to lock this thread so other users can read this discussion, to reduce duplicate threads. :)

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This thread has been locked.