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[DMU Ban appeal] NicholasC_5736: Tardis Bridging/Hopping [1 month]

Minecraft username:NicholasC_5736

Why you were banned:Tardis Bridging/Hopping

Ban duration:1 month

What were you doing last on the server: testing new tardis

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): i was making a base for my tardis and saw a building shaped thing i thought it was a structure of some sort i bridged over and looted it not knowing and i got banned 30 minutes later i am very new and i dont know much and i would just like to play with my cousin

Hi, as well as Tardis Bridging, you were also banned for Xraying.

Also, you bridged to not one, but MANY tardises.

For these, you can reappeal in 2 months.

This thread has been locked.