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DMU Ban Appeal ZBriggTheGamer #2



20 Years

Just using the endermen farm

I was told that in a month I should appeal again from my last, but since exactly one month from my last appeal would have been Christmas, I decided to do it a bit later so I wouldn't bother any of the kind staff on the DMU Public Server. I have Indeed learned my lesson and now understand what I said was unneeded and Immature, not only that, It was hurtful and considered hate speech, I do not whish for that to be what I am known for on such a wonderful server and Community, for that is not who I am. I apologize to anyone who saw what I did, and I hope that I did not offend anyone, and If I did I ask for Forgiveness. I also ask that you give me another chance on this server, I have poured a lot of my on the server attempting to make it a better place for every player, and I do not have the intention of ruining anyone's experience. I play this server with not only friends but also my girlfriend who has been down in the dumps lately since we cannot play together, I hope that you can forgive me and allow me to return so I may not only enjoy the experience of DMU public, but can help the community thrive.




Heya ZBrigg 

I'm gonna be accepting your appeal today. After reading this I can see you're genuinely sorry, Just 

don't let this happen again. 


Welcome Back!

Tank (DMU Moderator)  

Sorry it took so long you should be unbanned now. 

This thread has been locked.