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[DMU Ban appeal] Crwy Reason for ban: ForgeHax [20 Years]

Minecraft username: Crwy


Why you were banned: Using ForgeHax

Ban duration: 20 Years


What were you doing last on the server:


Why you think you should be pardoned early: Good evening, I'm here today to appeal my 20 Year Ban on DMU. I was banned as I had installed ForgeHax to use the features Full Bright and the Built-In map. TardisTem (The Staff Member That Banned Me) was aware of this when we talked, but I know this is no excuse for my actions nor for having it installed in the first place, I am truly sorry and hope you can forgive me.


All the Best,

Alyx ~ Crwy

Looking through your ban history, it is making it really hard to trust what you say, from the griefing bans and the previous perm ban from ban evading.

You lied in the ban evading and you also lied about not having forgehax installed in chat.

Your appeal is Denied


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