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Discord Ban appeal : groundship (and or ground#5431)

Discord account username and ID: groundship and or ground#5431


Why you were banned:either exeding 3 warns or not being nice


Ban duration: i am unsure


What were you doing last in the discord: taking in general


Any previous bans:yes , in 2-2022 i believe


Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):

i am deeply sorry to the person i wasn't being nice / friendly to , i know i am not the best person ever but i am really sorry and would like to apoligse to 

the person who i was speaking to just before my ban . i will not hold anything against staff if you do not unban me , if i have to wait i have to wait . thank you

for reading my appeal




(p.s - sorry about my spelling I cannot do it)

what happened to to the text , i didn't type it like that

Hello, I will be responding to your appeal today.

It wasn't just the one player you we're being disrespectful to. You were rude to multitude of people numerous times. Even after receiving 3 warnings you still kept disrespecting people. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like you should be unbanned just yet. This appeal is denied, and you will not be unbanned. 

DMU Administrator (and server admin),

This thread has been locked.