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KingLaser ban appeal


Griefing, Stealing,racism


talking to Joee3 while rereading the rules at spawn.

I’m going to start by saying the obvious things that I’m sorry and apologise to the people I stole from but also the staff by causing this inconvenience, I admit to doing the actions as said (stealing and griefing) but wish to have it appealed as I think I should be granted a second chance as this is my first unlawful action with the rules, and was not expecting a sentence aslong as it is. I do not think I should be unbanned but continue to have a sentence I will be able to complete eg a month. Thank you for your time




Hello, I will be responding to your appeal today. 

I understand that you're sorry, but your actions say otherwise. You completely ignored the rule board, showing that you have no regard for respecting the server and other players. Additionally, you're "typo" obviously wasn't, and you were definitely trying to test your luck. According to some messages, you knew stealing was not allowed and did it anyway, showing that you cannot be trusted. This appeal is denied, and you will not be unbanned. You may appeal in 2 months. 

DMU Administrator,

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