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1.12.2 Tardises

Im not sure if it’s me not waiting long enough but if I make a tardis especially the 8th or 2010 11th or any large tardis is spawns in with a massive chunk missing

if your just waiting a couple of seconds your probably  going to see minimal results but if the chunk is still missing after the lag [lag can be caused by the interior loading in depending on the size]  is gone you seem to be having either a mod compatibility issue [structures from ice and fire HBM and other mods will spawn in the tardis dimension] or your having a entire diffrent issue. have you tryed other interiors?

no it’s just large tardises and rarely smaller tardises like Toyota the only ones I’ve really had problems with in a survival is dalek mod c, Toyota, 8th, and copper. While interiors such as coral and the classic tardises 1 to 5 other than the ones I’ve listed no other ones really spawn with chunks missing

huh. only thing i can think of that could be the issue is either the world or maybe your on a older version of 1.12. i wouldnt exactly know dalek mod glitchs past the latest 1.12 version as thats when i first started playing dalek mod.  im sure a staff member or a dev could answer the issue

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