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Ban for stealing

i was ban for straling a stack of diamond bock and i do feel bad when i did when i was tp to it i and this is what i said user i im sorry for stealing your stuff i hope u can forgive me for what i did wrong and then i was banned from the server i will not do the same misstake again i just want to go back and build my building in peace sorry for my trouble :(

Please use the Correct Ban Appeal Format and rewrite to this thread. No need to make another thread.

Minecraft username: CuteAaron100


Why you were banned: for  

i was ban for stealing a stack of diamond  block


what i was doing last on the server was 

building my skyscraper and makeing sure my Tardis parking was doing good


Ban duration: not sure yet



 i do feel bad when i did when i was tp to it i and this is what i said user i im sorry for stealing your stuff i hope u can forgive me for what i did wrong and then i was banned from the server i will not do the same misstake again i just want to go back and build my building in peace sorry for my trouble :( 


I don't think you mean this in your appeal. You have a history of breaking the rules and saying your sorry. If you are sorry, why would you repeat offenses?

You can re-appeal in 4 months.

This thread has been locked.