Username thedalek2021
duration perm
reason acting/xray
last doing on server talking to admins
Reason for appeal I don’t wanna keep this long the reason me and my brother user are similar is because we used to play together so we changed our user so that they would be similar and I don’t really have anything to say about the similar mannerisms we grew up together that’s the only thing I could think of I don’t know a way I could prove we are different people thank you for your time
I am not an admin, but I thought that I can save the admins some trouble by reminding you that will not be unbanned you unless you give them proof that you are a separate person from your brother. Quoting what Wheezebob said in your last appeal, "Between your similar mannerisms and sentence structures, you just seem to be the same person. If you can provide actual proof that you are infact not themaster2021, you will be unbanned."
Hello, I will be responding to your appeal today.
The second I had asked you if you knew who themaster2021 is, you denied any knowledge of the account. On top of that, you later theorized that it might be your brothers or uncles account. If you really used to play together, you'd remember your brothers username on the spot. It's very apparent to me that you are completely lying and you're totally just making up stuff. This appeal is denied and you will not be unbanned. You may appeal in 5 months.
DMU Moderator,