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[DMU ban appeal] Etman_: major griefing 2-15-2042

Minecraft username: Etman_

Why you were banned: Major griefing

Ban duration: 2-15-2042

What were you doing last on the server: farming wheat

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): when i greifed, nobody owned the place and it was pretty much empty. my friends were working on the build but gave up.  so i traded some ,i think, zeition blocks from our beacon. then a few months later, i hadn't really played the game much and my friend told me i am banned. i was banned because somebody else took over the project and found the beacon gone.

can you remember what the players usernames were building this base?


Oskicube,  Edgicube, Creeperjosh that is all I remember

After some thinking we've decided to lift your Ban. Don't forget to read the rules upon joining back

Welcome Back!

~Tank (DMU Administrator)

This thread has been locked.