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Ban Appeal

MC User:0Sneezy


Ban Length: Permanent


Ban reason: "Telling someone to kill themselves"


Why i think i should be unbanned: I'm aware there is no justifying what i did, it was only the heat of the moment, the person i said it to, has scammed, called me shitbag, dirtbag, worthless, dogshit, sack of shit, useless, asshole, and so many more names, i don't have proof, but you can see it in discord-to-dmu chat, as i said, there is no justifying this, i'm just incredibly sorry i outlashed like that, i have had no warnings in the past, nor have i done anything like this, not only is this against dmu rules, its also just common sense i did not follow, and im also sorry to you wheeze, i also would like to apologize to wheeze, i was super rude to him for literally no reason. he was just in the crossfire, i was outraged, and hes a pretty chill dude handled the situation well and didnt deserve to deal with my shit.


first time had tripod in my server, did not seem like a nice person interacting with other community members. I suggest staff take a deeper look at the situation considering tripod was just unbanned recently to my knowledge

Kaitzu, you have been told multiple times NOT to comment on ban appeals

first time had tripod in my server, did not seem like a nice person interacting with other community members. I suggest staff take a deeper look at the situation considering tripod was just unbanned recently to my knowledge

 kaitzu you should 100% listen to joe, but i appreciate you saying something about this aswell

I am going to unban you, but you will keep your Warning in the Discord and also get 2 Warnings on DMU:
First Warning is for the "kys" and the second warning is for the drama.

If you happen to get a third warning, you will remain perm banned without appeal.

~Jayson, Dev

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