Discord account username and ID: chriswasntavailable / 963439526087376988
Why you were banned: The gif i sent most likely
Ban duration: Unknown
What were you doing last in the discord: I sent a gif
Any previous bans: Yes, i forget what for though, it was a few years ago
Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): My apologies about the gif that i had sent into DMU talk, i understand that the language in that gif could've been taken as offensive but believe me that was not my intention with it and i deeply apologise.
The gif in question: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/678411395129409567/1210145970109681715/attachment-2.gif?ex=65f2b9c2&is=65e044c2&hm=300ed86c52bc0ceba9f6b77db58bbbbcec416c85f738b19c87350217c840d200&
I see no one took this ban appeal so I'm just going ahead and unban your account.
Try rejoining the discord. If it doesn't work, just reply here