Minecraft Username: Zayn_White ( previously : Luka_lanoss )
Why you were banned: Griefing
Ban duration: Temp
What you were doing last on the server: Total reconstruction of my tardis and construction of a house in the center of Gotham (on the left of the NEWS Tower), Travel to Skaro to harvest resources, harvest wheat in Gotham in the Public Farm.
Why you think you should be pardoned early: I do not come to be pardonned but to know what I have done.
What did I break?
Help : And is it possible to put my tardis with my new username (Zayn_white) before my username was Luka_lanoss), please.
Your ban was given as you had broken an enchantment setup without permission, making it grief. As your ban only lasts for another 2 days, i will be denying your appeal.
- Shea, DMU Helper