Last Updated- December 16th
(I have finally managed to be able to edit the main post. Things will be reorganized once I get to this)
I decided to move a few things from the Forums. Here's every way I can think of to make the Cybermen much more Awesome. I'll put this into a much more organized format in the near future
TABLE OF CONTENTS/Quick links for navigation
Planets (Details will be added soon):
Cyberweapon 1: The Glitter Gun Method of obtaining Weapon: It can be found in chests that generate inside UNIT structures. Ammunition: Gold Bullets Purpose: They are a really effective weapon against Mondasian Cybermen Origin: The Fourth Doctor makes a reference to these weapons in Revenge of the Cybermen. They may have actually appeared on show at one point but idk. Cyberweapon 2: Hand Pulse Method of obtaining Weapon: Hand pulses are a rare drop from "Clever Villagers." Ammunition: None, but uses are limited Purpose: They are a really effective weapon against Cybermen, but their purpose is to cure "Clever Villagers". Origin: Nightmare in SIlver Cyberweapon 3: Throwable Cybermites Method of obtaining Weapon: Cybermites are a rare drop from "Clever Villagers" Ammunition: 1-5 uses Uses: Origin: Nightmare in Silver. Cyberweapon 4: Cyberman "Lamps" Method of obtaining Weapon: The Tenth Planet Cybermen have a chance of dropping Cyberman "Lamps". Stats in comparison to other Cyber weapons: Ammunition: Undecided. Likely batteries or simply the durability of the weapon Durability: How it look when a player holds this weapon: The player holds the Cyberlamp two-handed, one hand on each handle and in front of himself or herself. Cyberweapon 5: Cyber Wrist Blaster (Cyberman Gauntlet) Method of obtaining Weapon: They are dropped by Cybus/Lumic Cybermen. The chances of this are very low, however. Stats in comparison to other Cyber weapons: Ammunition: Undecided. Likely batteries or simply the durability of the weapon Durability: How it look when a player holds this weapon: The Cyber Wrist Blaster renders over the player's arm like a gauntlet. When firing, the player points his or her arm at his or her target Cyberweapon 6: Cybergun Method of obtaining Weapon: They are dropped by 70s Cybermen Ammunition: Cyberguns run on energy. When this energy runs out the Cybergun will require new batteries. Enchantibility: None. At the moment I don;t think any of the Cyberweapons should be enchantible. Stats in comparison to other Cyber weapons: Cyberguns are pretty Strong. Durability: Undecided, but they do break eventually Based on: The Cyberguns seen in Attack of the Cybermen . Cyberweaponammunition 7: Batteries Type: Ammunition Method of obtaining Ammunition: They are dropped by Cybermats or other Robotic Foes Cyberweaponammunition 8: Golden Bullets Type: Ammunition Method of obtaining Ammunition: They are crafted from gold nuggets Cyberweaponammunition 9: Gold Tipped Arrows As Seen in: Silver Nemesis Method of obtaining Weapon: Crafting Pros: Gold tipped arrows are very effective on Mondasian Cybermen. They either will always cause critical hits on them or will have a damage bonus when damaging Mondasian Cybermen.. Cons: When attacking things that are not Mondasian Cybermen, Gold tipped arrows are not as effective as normal arrows. Cyberweaponammunition 10: Golden Coins As Seen in: Silver Nemesis Method of obtaining Weapon: Crafting Used with: Sling Shot Pros: Golden Coins are very effective on Mondasian Cybermen. They either will always cause critical hits on them or will have a damage bonus when damaging Mondasian Cybermen.. Cons: When attacking things that are not Mondasian Cybermen, Gold tipped arrows are not as effective
(continued in next comment)
Cyberweapon 11: Particle Vacuum Cleaner
Name: Particulate Vacuum Cleaner
Suggested by: Full credit goes to pl13248
Description:The Doctor has this somewhere in his TARDIS. Thankfully, it was on hand to foil the Cybermen's Temporal Agenda via their Cyber-Particles, so, by association, it can go into this thread. Also, it's the only item that I know that can eliminate Cyber-Particles. "We should put it on E-Bay. See what it gets."
As heard in:The Fate of Krelos; Return to Telos
Suggestion for Implementation: When a Cyber-Mob has been killed, there's a rare chance that a "Data Log (Signed Book)" will drop, having entries in it that a Cyberman would do in its daily routine ("Systems ...Online...."; "Conversion of 32 Compatibles"; etc.) but it would go from most recent to most earliest, so that the first statement in the "Data Log" would be "TERMINATION" followed by "Dispersion of Infectious Cyber-Particles halted by Device known as: 'Particulate Vacuum Cleaner.'"Giving reason for the player to have one, so that they can avoid conversion by Cyber-Particles.
How does the player obtain it: The player obtains it either by crafting it or by finding it in a chest.
(Note: The Particulate Vacuum itself is made of two parts: The Motor and The Bag which holds the Cyber-Particles).
Why it Should be Implemented: It allows more ways to defeat the Cybermen than just killing them with swords and bows.
How it Should Look: It should just look like a portable Vacuum Cleaner...sounds strange but that's basically it.
Any Other Information: Unlike most weapons, the durability on the Particulate Vacuum Cleaner works in reverse. When the bar is completely filled, it must be "cleaned" by putting the Vacuum Cleaner in a Crafting Table for it can be dismantled into the Motor and Bag. The Bag can be cleaned by crafting it with Gold Nuggets in a Crafting Table. Then you put the Bag and Motor back into the Crafting Table to complete the Vacuum Cleaner. Additionally, It eliminates Cyber-Particles by Right-Clicking.
Cyberbiome 1: Dark Side of the moon
Cyberboss 1: Cyberplanner
(The Mr. Clever Variant will be a common mob. They will be able to be cured with hand Pulses and turned into Villagers. See "Clever Villagers" under "Mobs" for more info.)
How is the Cyberplanner Spawned: The Cyberplanner will Spawn in Cyberconversion Centers.
The Battle:
Effects after death as well as drops: Nearby Cybermen will become weak after the Cyberplanner is defeated. Drops will be detailed soon.
Details are coming soon
Cyberboss 2: Cybus/Lumic/Parallel Earth Cyberking
Originally suggested by: Kramlat
Minions Spawned: Cybus Cybermen and Cybershades
Attacks: Crushing things by walking on them or using his laser canon
How to beat him: Keep hitting him at his weak points. Eventually however, during the last phase, you will be sucked into the Cyberking.
Overall Stats: Very, very high, but something still beatable late or end-game
Cyberking Dimension: Each Cyberking creates a dungeon in the Cyberking dimension. If you can get to the Cyberking controller and kill him or her you will be teleported back outside and the Cyberking death will commence. Inside this dimension are many angry Cybermen looking to kill you. The layout is always a multilevel maze of machinery.
How is the Cyberking Spawned: Details will come soon
Special Traits: Any villagers or dogs he steps on will be fully converted and teleported away from the foot
Cyberking Drops:
A few sources of inspiration for this idea: The going inside the robot part was largely inspired by the fight against the giant robot Raposa of Drawn to Life 2. In that game after causing enough damage you get sucked into the giant robot. You have to do this 3 times in that game, first destroying the left eye, the right eye, and then finally the heart to defeat the robot. I'm sure I may have gotten inspiration from a few other places as well.
Any other information:
Cyberboss 3: Cybercontroller
First Body (Tomb of the Cybermen)
Second Body (Attack of the Cybermen)
Spawning: The Cybercontroller will spawn in Cybercontrol
Attack Behavior: The Cybercontroller will replace the old Cyberleader Boss fight with the Cyberleader being reduced to a basic Cyberman Variant (The Cyberleader may still have a boss fight. My ideas regarding the Cyberleader and Cybercontroller are WIP. I'm trying to prevent duplicate boss fights and trying to keep each unique mobs/bosses)
More details are coming soon. I'm taking suggestions for details regarding the Cybercontroller.
Cyberboss 4: Mondasian Cyberking (WIP)
Spawning: Currently Being decided
As Seen in: Lego Dimensions: A Dalektable adventure
Minions Spawned: Modern Mondan Cybermen (Maybe a few Cybermats too)
Attacks: A couple of the Cyberking's Attacks will come from the Lego Dimensions Boss fight; however, this fight will not be the same.
Attack Patterns:
How Health Effects the Battle:
I'll add some more details a bit later. Any ideas?
(Post cut. See next comment)
Cyberboss 5: Clever Player (WIP- Suggested By Bellator HD) As Seen in: Inspired by Mr. Clever of Nightmare in Silver Aesthetics: Spawning: Minions Spawned: Cybermats (I believe someone may have suggested this. Not sure who, but if someone did, please let me know. I will look around the forums.) Weapons: Attacks: Attack Behavior: After the Battle: Multiplayer: When fighting the Clever player in multiplayer, there are some things to know, Any other Information:
Cybermob 1: Cybershades
What is a Cybershade?: A variant of the Cybus Cyberman. They are made in the same way a human Cybus Cyberman is, by putting a brain in a robotic shell. Cybershades however are made from the minds of Dogs and Cats, use a completely different shell, and behave much differently than the usual Cybermen
Spawning: Anywhere Cybermen Can Spawn
Alignment: Hostile and is part of the Cybus Cybermen Forces (Though not exactly a "man" itself).
Attack Style: Their combat is entirely melee. No blasters or anything like that.
Cybermob 2: "Clever Villager"
Spawning: Clever Villagers have a low chance of spawning Naturally. A very low chance
Behavior: Clever Villagers are support mobs.
Curing a Clever Villager: Like what the 11 Doctor in Nightmare in SIlver Clever Villagers can be cured by using the Hand Pulse Item.
Cybermob 3: Cyberdog
(I made the model)
"Cyberdogs were cyber-converted dogs created by the reconstructed parallel universe Cybermen on Centuria.
Several Cyberdogs were used to aid the Cybermen in taking down the predatory Ice Snake in the arctic zone on Centuria."
(Continued in next reply)
Cybermob 4: Cybermats
Please do not have Silverfish connected to the Cybermen in ANY kind of way, meaning for them to be Cybermats.
It's just lazy and wrong to do it that way.
Cybermats are nothing like Silverfish. The only common traits they have are appearance and the tendency to attack the player.
Silverfish after all are not made of metal (At least I think), they do not Convert species into Cybermen, they are not made by nor affiliated with the Cyberman, and just aren't from Doctor Who.
Anyway, the Details.
Creature Name: Cybermat
Creature's Planet of Origin: It's a bit Unknown.
Description of Creatures Planet: I'll do a bit of research. I remember reading once what they are made from
Description of Creature:
Spawning: Random
Abilities: Converting species into Cybermobs, getting into small gaps, ruining redstone circuits
Image of Creature(sketch or rough draft also acceptable):
How do you suggest we implement it in game: Will add more information soon
Weaknesses: Gold (I need to double check this) and Sonic Screwdrivers/Powerful Sonic Devices
Any other Information:
PLEASE make an original model based on one of the Models from the show if you add these guys in. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wouldn't want to see a re-textured Silverfish for this mob. And please don't just copy the SIlverfish behavior for them either. These are CYBERMATS and act like cybermats. Not Silverfish
Cybermob 5: Dark Dimension Cyberman
Most of the description is quoted directly from pl13248, so any "I" refers to him while "Arcphoenix" refers to myself. I rearranged a few things for organization purposes. You can find the original comment here.
Boss/Mob: Cyber-Commander aka Dark Dimension Cyberman
Suggested by: Arcphoenix originally. Credit goes to pl13248 >> for many of the details here
Looks/Design: It should be taller than the average Cyberman (maybe four blocks?) and it should look like image ArcPheonix has posted or close enough to the point of recognizing it as a Cyber-Commander.
Origin: The Dark Dimension Cyberman comes from a Cyberman Design from the Unproduced 30th Anniversary Television Story The Dark Dimension (Yes, the same serial Dalek Storm is from in case you're curious)
Spawning: On any planet/dimension. Rarely.
Nature: Hostile
Can also jump as high as a player.
Attack Style: It will run or sprint at the player, since it's more agile than other Cybermen, it can also walk, but only when it is very close to the player.
Special Traits: Can shout "All life shall be converted!" or "All will be Cybermen!" when active. Additionally, when inactive, there will be Cybermen guarding it.
Notable Weaknesses:
Suggestion for implementation: The structures mentioned by ArcPheonix can spawn a Cyber-Commander if left unchecked or it can spawn as mentioned.
Why it should be implemented: It would add more danger and risk of death/defeat to the current version of the Dalek Mod, seeing as all that is needed to kill Cybermen is a structure (Nerdpole) that allows the player to attack them from above or a wall that blocks the Cyberman from getting to the player.
Any other information:
Cybermob 6: Cyberman Android
Creature Name: Cyberman Android
Description of Creature: To get to their masters, you must first get through them.
(Details coming soon)
Cybermob 7: The Fallen
There's currently no image for The Fallen
Creature Name: The fallen (Name is Wip)
Origin: They look like Cybervillagers... But a bit different somehow... A familiarity that's almost a bit terrifying.... But you can't quite place your finger on it.
Description of Creature: (Details are currently being thought up)
Spawning: They don't spawn until the day count has reached a certain number (This shouldn't be too hard right?). On that first day, they have have a much higher rate of spawning than usual.
They Only Spawn after the Local Difficulty has reached a Certain height.
Did you know Slime Spawning is affected effected by the moon? Likewise, these guys have a higher chance of spawning on a certain moon.
Appearance: They mostly look like random generic and overused player skins. Some are Alexes and Steves.
They are Partially converted Cybermen, but you will definitely be able to see part of their faces, a bit of their hair, and maybe a few other features.
While many use blasters/melee and other Cyberman forms of attack, it isn't unknown for some to walk around carrying modified bows or swords.
Image of Mob: I usually try to only include official images, but since I can't find a good Toberman image, I'll just use the one below
Purpose of this Mob: To be freaking creepy for one. They also convey a sort of.... Feeling... And add a bit of terror.... These were just like you once, but they are cybermen now. They lost their souls and individuality too.
How do you suggest we implement it in game: Will add more information soon
Any other Information:
They have nametags at times. Sometimes the'ye readable sometimes they aren't. If they are they usually fall into these categories.
Category 1
Cybermen Parodies of common minecraft names:
Cyberhero (Hero)
xXThe_Deleter_Xx (Anyone who has Destroyer in their name)
Cyberdude_Playz_Mc (anyone with "PlaysMc" in their name).
daCyberman (da man)
Cool Cyberman 5
CybermatLover ( Lover)
Category 2
In contrast to the humorous names I mentioned before the names in category 2 tend to be really gloomy and downcasting. Reading them you can see sorrow, loss of identity, humanity, individuality, and else.
Greyness and frowns (Rainbows and Smiles)
One of Many
The Fallen
The Once Great One (The Great One)
He who once ruled
He who used to read a lot
You Only Live Once..... (In the context of this, this name is just creepy a heck)
The Ex-Gamer
Generic Trooper
The Nameless
Category 3
Category 3 names are more like "designations" rather than names.
Partially Converted Scout
Cyber Soldier
Another note: Feel free to make them as "Cyber" as you want to, but remember that the "conversions" didn't need to be a 75% or more "mostly metal now" conversion. Remember the Ear Pods (Army of Ghosts I believe?), remember Toberman in Tomb of the Cybermen (he only had his arm replaced and he was still affected). Of course though, there should definitely be mostly converted ones too (Like Lytton)
Cybermob 8: Partially Converted Cybermen Slaves
Alignment: Friendly
Details: Coming soon
Cyber Variants and Abilities
(More Details will be covered and added soon)
As seen in: Spare Parts
Planet of Origin: Minecraftia and Spare Parts Mondas
Spawning: Cyberhorses spawn naturally with the Spare Part Cyberman Jockey mob. They also have a low chance of being created when a player throws Cybermites on a horse.
Statistics: Cyberhorses run faster, jump higher, and jump further.
The downsides: Cyberhorses do not breed, they regenerate health at a MUCH slower rate, and Cyberhorses, though they may have quite a bit of health, just don't compare heartwise to breeds of horses that have the highest amounts of health
Spare Parts Cyberman
Spawning: Spare Parts Cybermen spawn in Cities on Spare Parts Mondas
Attacks: At mid range Cybermen will use their whips. At short range they will Melee. If on a horse at short range, the Horse may melee.
Cyberhorse Jockeys: Unlike Spider and Chicken Jockeys, you actually have a relatively 1/10 chance of encountering a Jockey rather than an on foot Cyberman. They aren't TOO common, but they are definitely far from rare and maybe somewhere around uncommon. Not sure if it's closer to common or rare though in that matter.
(Continued in next comment)
They added the wooden cyberman in the swd advent calendar a few yrs before
Cyberhunters- As Seen in: Tbh, Idk if this is canon or not. I just thought this up, but I will look around to see if there is something like it Information: Spawning: AI: More details will be coming soon Cyber-Headset (Not to be confused with the previously mentioned Silver Nemesis variant. This is a completely different kind of headset.) Credit: Full credit goes to pl13248 As heard in: The Fate of Krelos Reference Image: Ignore the thing in the top-left corner, that's just K-9 photobombing. Details: There are two forms of the Cyber-Headset: 1) The "Unconverted" Form in the reference image or 2) The "Converted" Form, when it has Cyber-Converted a Villager of its own accord or has been spawned by a Cyberman upon Cyber-Conversion of a Villager. Description: The "Unconverted" Form will look like the reference image while the "Converted" Form will have its tentacle around the Villager's head and its (the Cyber-Headset's) head will be resting on the Villager's head. Upon conversion of the Villager, more tentacles will spawn and move in an upwardly direction and, when undisturbed, move like a Squid. When attacking, all the tentacles will be pointing to the entity it's attacking (except for the one that's holding onto the Villager). Spawning: Wherever a Cyberman can spawn, an "Unconverted" Cyber-Headset can spawn; it will have the same spawn rate as a Cyberman. Otherwise, the "Converted" Cyber-Headset will spawn when a Cyberman converts a Villager or when an "Unconverted" Cyber-Headset converts a Villager. Nature: Hostile Attack Style: Melee Special Traits: It exists as a separate entity to the Villager. It will control the Villager's body upon Cyber-Conversion. Drops: Once again, steel, but, rarely, it can also drop itself (the Cyber-Headset); the same thing will happen if it's killed before the Villager itself. It will be broken, but, if repaired in an anvil with four blocks of steel, can be turned into a Anti-Cyber-Headset, which can cure all Converted Villagers in a 10x10 area once before breaking completely. Stats: It will have the same amount of health as a Cyber-Villager when on a Villager's head when in its "Converted" Form; in its "Unconverted" Form it will have the speed and health of a Silverfish. When on top of a Villager's head as a "Converted" Cyber-Headset, it will control the Villager's body to have the speed of a running Villager. Attacks/Abilities: Will use its tentacle(s) to attack the player or Villager for Cyber-Conversion in "Converted" Form; in its "Unconverted" Form, it will attack like a Silverfish. Upon killing the player, a Mob will spawn with the player's skin with the Cyber-Headset, since the player's corpse has been Cyber-Converted. Notable Weaknesses: Interference with the Sonic Screwdriver (right-clicking on the Cyber-Headset) will frenzy it for 10 seconds, making it attack any other Cyber-Mob, but it can also mercilessly attack the player. Additionally, after the first attempt, the time needed to interfere with the Sonic Screwdriver will increase, then, after the second time, it will increase again, then it will increase again, etc., etc. Suggestion for Implementation: The structures that ArcPheonix has mentioned can spawn an "Unconverted" Cyber-Headset or when a Cyberman has converted a Villager, the "Converted" Form of the Cyber-Headset will spawn on top of its head, controlling it until its death. Why it should be Implemented: It would add more variety to the effects of Cyber-Conversion, since there's only one result of a Villager's Cyber-Conversion and that is a Cyber-Villager...which is basically just a Cybus Cyberman's head on top of a Villager's body. Any other information: The Cyber-Headset should not replace the Cyber-Villager result from Cyber-Conversion. There should be a 50/50 chance of the Villager either being a Cyber-Villager or having a "Converted" Cyber-Headset when a Cyberman converts the Villager. When an "Unconverted" Cyber-Headset converts a Villager, there is only the chance of a "Converted" Cyber-Headset controlling the Villager as the end result (the "Unconverted" Cyber-Headset will despawn, because it is now a "Converted" Cyber-Headset). Cyber-Particles Credit: Full credit goes to pl13248 Description: These particles can infect anything that's remotely technological. and they're nearly impossible to see. The only way to be sure they are eliminated is by cleaning the area with a Particulate Vacuum Cleaner. Otherwise, the mentioned effect shall occur and Cybermen will come to integrate it into their systems by taking it while converting any nearby compatibles in the process. When the Compatibles have all been converted, they will take all the Cyber-Technology that is nearby into their inventories for integration into the Cyber-Systems. They are able to convert any Compatibles into their Cyber-Counterparts. If the player is killed by them, a Mob will spawn with the player's skin, but grayed out, and will continue to become grayer and grayer, and will start exhibiting Cyber-Parts until it is a complete Cyberman. Invulnerable to every weapon except the Particulate Vacuum Cleaner. Once all the nearby Compatibles are Converted, all Cyber-Mobs will move as one group to the nearest group of Cybermen, then, when they reach that group, they will then move as a group to the next nearest group of Cybermen and so on and so on. While this occurs, the Cyber-Particles will work to make (spawn) more Cyber-Particles to infect and convert other clusters of Compatibles, then, when that's been done, they will follow the same process that has been described. This includes TARDIS' for Cyber-Conversion by Cyber-Particles.Once a TARDIS has been converted, the Cybermen would then create the Cyber Time-Squad...or was it already here? These Cyber-Particles can work on Daleks, Autons, Clockwork Droids, K-9, sadly (before the hatred starts, it happened in the story the Cyber-Particles came from so don't blame me), and even the Empty Child and the Empty People, since they're being converted by a technological advancement (the Nanogenes). Any Mob that has been suggested by ArcPheonix can be converted by Cyber-Particles into their Cyber-Counterparts. Even other Mobs that the Cybermen have no use for (yet...) can be converted, they'll just look like they're a part of the Cyber-Race (in other words, they'll look like they're made out of steel), but are in fact "Neutral" until attacked. If a TARDIS has been infected by Cyber-Particles then the only way to cure it would be to travel in that TARDIS to and from dimensions/planets/eras. Only then will your TARDIS be free of the Cybermen. Unfortunately for you, the longer your TARDIS is under the control of the Cybermen, the more trips are needed to cure it and also unfortunately, the technology they learnt is still in their databanks... There will be a Timer in place to measure how much time has passed since your TARDIS has been underneath the control of the Cybermen. If it was 0-20 minutes, it will need five trips to be cured. If it was 21-40 minutes, it will need 10 trips. If it was 41-60 minutes, it will need 15 trips and if it was 61-80 minutes, it would need 20 trips to be cured. This rate of change will go up to 1 Week, after that, your TARDIS is irretrievable from the Cybermen. (Note: The Exterior will become more Cyber-like as time passes and once the TARDIS is cured it will become normal again). [Additional Note: The Interior will not show signs of conversion {i.e. gray blocks; steel blocks} so that the owner can use the "/tardis-interior-pos X Y Z" command to save their Interior, but the Exterior cannot be saved. Unfortunately, the Cybermen can enter that TARDIS from the old Exterior and try to convert the interior until the owner stops them. The mentioned process for curing the TARDIS will work {The Interior will still not show signs of conversion, instead, the monitor display will look more Cyber-Like as time passes until the TARDIS is cured and there will be Cybermen in that TARDIS}]. They should be a single pixel in length, width, height, and depth and they move in groups. Cyber-Time Squad Credit: Full credit goes to pl13248 Description: The Cybermen have finally cracked Time Travel. Now they can eradicate any threat to the Cyber-Race at any given point in Time. Fortunately, they're kept in check to not damage the Timeline too much, but that won't stop them from tracking down their biggest threats and killing them...and, unfortunately, that's you... As heard in: Return to Telos Attack Style: Melee; Ranged; Spawning. Spawning: Any planet/dimension; Rarely. Nature: Hostile. Special Traits: Can spawn other Cyber-Mobs to help the cause of tracking down the assigned player (Cyber-Particles; "Unconverted" Cyber-Headsets; Cybermats; etc.). Once the player has been killed, the spawned Cyber-Mobs will continue with their normal agendas. Drops: All suggestions ArcPheonix has made; Steel. Stats: Twice the stats of their normal Cyber-Counterparts. Attacks/Abilities: Can use their Cyber Time-Ships to fly over the targeted player and drop Time-Squad Cybermen on top of the player. Can use all weapons from every era of Cyber-History (i.e. Cyber-Guns, Throwable Cybermites, Cyberman "Lamps", Cyber-Wrist Blaster, etc.). Can send Cyber-Hunters if they've materialised more than 1,000 blocks away from the player. They can also leave their Time-Ships on "Tracking" to follow the player wherever they go in their TARDIS once they've found them to any dimension/planet/era. If the player gets into their TARDIS and uses the flight panel, the Cyber Time-Ship will also take off and follow that TARDIS, shooting at it as it goes. Notable Weaknesses: All weapons suggested by ArcPheonix will do more damage than conventional ones (Bows; Swords; etc.). Suggestion for Implementation: They can spawn in the Cyber-Structures mentioned by ArcPheonix and will locate the nearest Cyber Time-Ship. (Note: The Cyber Time-Ship is its own suggestion which will have its own details). Why it Should be Implemented: It gives more threat to the Cybermen, since they can be easily defeated in the current version of the Dalek Mod. Any other Information: Once there are 10 of them at that Time-Ship they will be assigned a player to kill and will "enter" the Cyber Time-Ship, which will locate the targeted player, but will only get within five blocks of their location. There will also be a chance that they misjudge the co-ordinates and materialise somewhere that's 1,000 blocks away from the player, where they will then send Cyber-Hunters to kill that player. They should look like their normal Cyber-Counterparts but with parts of other Cyberman models in them (Ex: "Classic" Cyberman has pieces of "Cybus", "Tenth Planet", and "Moonbase"/"Tomb" Cybermen on it). Cyber-Time Ship Credit: Full credit goes to pl13248 Description: The Cybermen cracked Time Travel. These...are their Time Travel Capsules. As heard in: Return to Telos Suggestion for Implementation: It is basically a TARDIS without having the option to chose its destination. This goes for the option of the "Flight Panel", "Flight", and Monitor to see the fixed destination. It can also be set to "Tracking" or "Autopilot" so that it has its own thinking to track players or to materialise somewhere. They spawn in the Cyber-Structures that ArcPheonix has mentioned. How does the player obtain it: Cyber Time-Ships are controlled by the Cyber Time-Squad and are locked until the player finds the Code to unlock it. When the Sonic Screwdriver is hovering over the Cyber Time-Ship, it will be scanning it, once the scan is complete, the Code for entry shall be discovered. There are four levels to encryption for the Cyber Time-Ship's lock: "Easy", which will take five seconds to scan completely; "Medium", which will take ten seconds; "Hard", which will take 20 seconds; and "Deadlocked", which won't be able to be opened. The only way to destroy a Deadlocked Cyber Time-Ship is to Reverse the Polarity. After the Sonic Screwdriver has completed its scan of the Deadlocked Time-Ship, which will take the amount of time it takes to scan a normal entity, an option will appear that will say: "Reverse the Polarity." This option will send the Time-Ship to its point of origin (Spawn-Point) where it will self-destruct (despawn) along with the Cyber Time-Squad Mobs it brought along. (Note: You click on the "Reverse the Polarity" option for it to be activated/used). Why should this be implemented: It gives more time machines to use (for a time) and it makes the player realize that the Cybermen are more dangerous than they think... Any other Information: There's no image for a Cyber Time-Ship, but I have an idea for it. It will be a gray box with the Cyber Logo on all sides and one side will have the door to enter it. It will be three blocks wide, three blocks long, and three blocks tall. The Cyber-Logo :
As heard in: Return to Telos
Attack Style: Wither/Poison Effects (Compatible Mobs). Conversion Abilities (Turning an item or block into a piece of Cyber-Technology).
Spawning: In the Cyber-Structures ArcPheonix has mentioned; Rare; from Cybermen.
Nature: Hostile.
Stats: The stats of a Silverfish.
Attacks/Abilities: Able to convert anything remotely technological into Cyber-Technology (Bows become Cyber-Guns; Solar Cells become Batteries; Arrows become Vastial Cartridges [The Cybermen's form of Ammunition {I suggest just using gray rectangles with green specks at the top for their texture}]).
Notable Weaknesses: The Particulate Vacuum Cleaner.
Suggestion for Implementation: The Cyber-Structures mentioned by ArcPheonix can spawn them, as well as Cybermen who detect Compatibles but cannot convert them because they only have the capacity to convert Humanoids so they spawn the Cyber-Particles to convert them.
Why It Should be Implemented: It adds more variability to the Cyber-Conversion process and gives a bigger threat of the Cybermen taking over everything in Minecraftia.
Any Other Information: They should be very, very, very....(an eternity later)...very hard to spot and if you do spot them, they will spot you...
They can only be defeated by the Particulate Vacuum Cleaner, so whenever you encounter a Cyberman that's walking away from a nearby very, very careful...
What's more: they're every (currently in the DM) Cyberman augmented by their future and past counterparts...All the more to kill you with...
Boss: Cybercontroller
Layout: Based on Cybercontrol as seen in Attack of the Cybermen
Location: Telos (Above ground)
(Details will come soon)
Appears: On any Planet. (Entrance and a few rooms are on the surface. The rest is underground)
As Seen in: Attack of the Cybermen and Tomb of the Cybermen
Layout: Part of it come from the Tomb of the Cyberman Cybertomb, other parts come from the one in Attack of the Cybermen
Size: Large.
A special Smaller Variant of this tomb: Has a weapons testing room and a pryamid on the surface. It also has the "sundial" hatch. It however does not hold many cybermen and is based largely on the Tomb of the Cybermen Tomb
(Details will come soon)
As seen in: TBA
Appears: Overworld (On the Surface)
Boss: Cyberplanner
Lore: This is where Cybermen are made
Mobs: Villagers (You should save them), Fallen, Cybershades, Cybermen
Size: Large
Description: Cyber Conversion Centers will be very large structures with special properties.
(Details will come soon)
Location: Overworld (Inside Mountains or Underground)
Size: Small, usually about 1-2 Rooms.
As seen in: Earthshock.
Mobs: Cybermen Android, Cybermen.
Lore: (TBA)
(Details will come soon)
The Small Crew Varient
The Large "Real Dungeon" Variant-
Mobs: Human Researchers
Cybermen will try to invade here every now and then, like a villager raid.
More details coming soon
Native Life: Cryons, partially converted slaves (Attack of the Cybermen), and Mondasian Cybermen. Lots of Mondasian Cybermen.
Randomly generating structures:
Description of the Terrain: Desert-Like
Details coming soon
I'm open to suggestions on how to improve things and critiques and opinions on my ideas. If you have any of those, feel free to comment below
People who have added onto my original Idea and anyone who I referred to in this suggestion:
Various people asking repeatedly for Handles or the Controller
(Thread continued in the next comment)
They added the wooden cyberman in the swd advent calendar a few yrs before
Cool. Although, was it removed or something? I've never actually seen it in game
Yeah that advent calendar was for DM 1.6.4 Update 24 I think and were removed. They used to run really fast and had an oak wood texture. They tend to stand under a oak tree to camouflage then ambush the player.
Current version of the Dalek mod for 1.6.4 is Update 25 I believe as they had started to introduce Dalek temporal shifting(which was awesome, I do hope it's coming back) ridiculouly high Dalek firing rates and Tardis command blocks.
To add onto your Wooden cyberman flamethrower suggestion, I think it might be easier for the coder to implement it using the entity summoning system used by the vanilla Blaze mob. (which summons fire)
To do list for myself:
1) Blood of the Cybermen Cyberslaves, 2) Attack of the Cybermen Cyberslaves, 3) Cyberwolves, 4) Cybercats, 5) CyberOcelots
Spawning: Cryons spawn in Cryon Hideaways on Telos
Behavior: Peaceful
Weakness: Cryons can't survive in temperatures above freezing and will typically die if the temperature dos not meet this standard
Details: More shall come soon
Cyberman Armor (At the moment, only Lumic/Cybus. I may consider others too at some point)
Crafting: Steel Armor crafted with a few other things. Perhaps drops from the Mob Bosses mentioned above
WIP ideas:
Details: More shall come soon
Related Threads:
Other cyberman themed threads
The Recent Update Upgrade Log
Upgrade June 4
Upgrade June 5
Upgrade December 16
I decided I may start modeling some of these.
What do you guys think of my Cyberdog?
So cute. It looks rather kind, actually.
Tbh, I don't see it myself, but that's why I asked. I'll see if I can make it look a bit more menacing
I've added LOADS of stuff.
One main thing I added is bosses (Cyberplanner, Cyberking, and Cybercontroller). I'm not sure what to put for the Cybercontroller.
Does anyone have any opinions?
[Note this is from an old issue. Just ignore this]
I believe wodaman copied a lot made a complete ripoff of ideas from here.
And I don't take kindly to that.
I believe wodaman copied a lot made a complete ripoff of ideas from here.
And I don't take kindly to that.
Arcpheonix I didn't mean to, it must have been in the back of my mind but I honestly didn't mean to.
[this is from an old accidental issue, please just ignore this]