Problem:I was checking with Razor on something with his tardis and i checked around his tardises interors exteror in the tardis dimension and i saw some guy copy and pasted my friends's tardis interor's, 2 of them and i find this outrages because this is my friends hard work and hes just takeing it with out his permission and im just really really mad that this lazy ass guy takes his hard work and calls it his own
I'll alert staff to this right now on skype for you. I'm sure they will sort this out. I agree with you that is lazy and frustrating.
Who was the friend? It might be one of Tiny's interiors that he sold.
Please provide screenshots comparing big differences between the two interiors, as words cannot validate everything.
Also, please do not swear, it does not add to the thread in any way.
~50ap5ud5, Ultra-Admin, Site Moderator.
nvm me and Razor lost that interor so i can not acess the location now