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[Adding Some Kind Of Backpack Mod To U44]

Hi I would like to appeal that John would allow the Backpack mod to be loaded up in the server because the backpack mod saves a lot of space and I need that space too! This would be very helpful.




For everyone to be able to play on the server, they would require that mod.

To add such as requirement is unlikely. 

As all the users should need is the Dalek mod and nothing more.

- SubDivide, Ultra-Admin, Site Mod

I can add something like this which could be command based like so:
/backpack [page number]


Typing this command would then open up your backpack on the selected page.

Additional backpack pages can be bought for credits in game or assigned to users.

I can add something like this which could be command based like so:
/backpack [page number]


Typing this command would then open up your backpack on the selected page.

Additional backpack pages can be bought for credits in game or assigned to users.

 Yes John that would be awesome could you make the commands like

/backpack open [Page #]

/backpack add [Page #]

/backpack remove [Page #]

/backpack manage [Page #]

 For Staff:

/backpack open [Player] [Page #]

/backpack add [Player] [Page #]

/backpack remove [Player] [Page #]

/backpack manage [Player] [Page #]


For /backpack manage you could put credits into this slot to make you backpack bigger!


I see that there are new title for Beta testers its [Beta] instead of [Beta Tester] can you change that for SWDBae to it's getting very old!



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